Wrath of the Lich King – Das kritische und exklusive Preview: Talente, Spells und Karte

So, mehr exklusiver Content, „and this is not a tarp“. Ja, tarp, stimmt so schon. Das, was ich versprach, waren Talente und Spells – nur leider wird’s damit großteilig ohne Bilder auskommen müssen. Ihr müsst mir also vertrauen. Aber das tut ihr ja sowieso, sonst hättet ihr diesen Blog schon lange geschlossen. Das wird jetzt, nur um euch vorzuwarnen, sehr sehr lang. Und ich lasse sogar nicht meinen Senf dazwischen ab, nur ein kleines bisschen.

Fangen wir doch mit dem Todesritter an, Spells und Talente.

Talentbäume (werden aber vermutlich bald entfernt): http://war-tools.darlinganime.com/index.php?i=deathknight.

Deathknight spells:

  • Army of the Dead – Summons an entire legion of your best Ghouls to fight by your side.
  • Death and Decay – ${$m1+$AP*0.039} shadow damage inflicted every $t1 sec to all targets in the effected area for $d. Has a chance to cause affected targets to cower in fear.
  • Chromatic Rune Mastery – Whenever a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune activates, it has a 6% chance of converting into a Chromatic Rune. This Rune counts as a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Degeneration (Rank 3, Level 76) – Instantly attack the target, dealing 60% weapon damage and inflicting a disease dealing ${$m2*7} over 15 sec. This disease will corrupt an existing heal over time spell, removing it and dramatically increasing the damage dealt. While afflicted by this disease, other heal over time effects on the target will have no effect.
  • Dancing Runeblade – Summons a second Runeblade that fights on its own for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power, doing the same strikes that you do.
  • Hungering Cold – A wave of cold leeches all heat from the earth, freezing all enemies in the cone-shaped area, and causing 10 damage per Runic Power. The frozen terrain persists for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power and will freeze enemies that attempt to cross it.
  • Unholy Blight – A creeping swarm of unholy insects surrounds the caster for a 10 yard radius. All enemies caught in the swarm take 120 damage and are plagued with a disease that can stack up to 3 times. Lasts for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power.
  • Corpse Explosion – „Target a corpse, causing it to explode for 12 damage per 10 Runic Power to all enemies within 10 yards.“
  • Mark of Blood (spell or talent?) – „Place a Mark of Blood on an enemy or ally. Whenever the marked target is healed, all party members receive a fraction of that healing. If a marked target that grants experience or honor is killed, all party members are healed for 10% of their total health. Each person can be healed for a maximum of 3000 per Mark.“
  • Icebound Fortitude – Consumes all available Runic Power, causing the Death Knight to become immune to Stun effects and increasing armor by 50% for up to 12 sec. Does not remove existing Stun effects. [60 sec cooldown]
  • Death Strike (Rank 1) – A deadly attack that deals weapon damage. If the target dies within 3 seconds and yields experience or honor, Death Strike heals the Death Knight for 405.

Deathknight talents:

  • Black Ice – Increases your Frost and Unholy spell damage by 1/2/3/4/5%.
  • Dirge – Whenever you kill a diseased target that yields experience or honor you have a 1/2/3/4/5% chance of the corpse riding as a free Ghoul. You can have a maximum of 2 Ghouls at one time.
  • Spell Deflection – Reduces all spell damage taken by 3/6/9/12/15% for 10 sec following a successful parry.
  • Bladed Armor – You gain 4/8/12/16/20 attack power for every 1000 points of your armor value.
  • Butcher – Whenever you kill an enemy that grants experience or honor, you generate Runic Power. In addition, Runic Power takes longer to decay outside of combat.
  • Bone Armor (Rank 1) – „The caster is surrounded by 4 whirling bones. Each bone reduces the damage from the next spell or melee attack by 40% but is then consumed. Lasts 5 min.“ [Power type: 5, power cost: 25, cooldown: 30 sec]
  • Chromatic Rune Mastery – „Whenever a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune activates, it has a 2/4/6% chance of converting into a Chromatic Rune. This Rune counts as a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune. Lasts 10 sec.“
  • Rage of Rivendare – You do 2/4/6/8/10% additional weapon damage to diseased targets.
  • Tundra Stalker – „You deal 2/4/6/8/10% more melee damage to targets under the effects of Icy Touch, Chains of Ice, Howling Blast or Hungering Cold.“
  • Deathchill (Rank 1, Level 56) – „Launches an Icy Touch at every enemy within 40 yards, dealing 4 damage per Runic Power to each target and causing a high amount of threat.“ [0 power cost, cooldown: 60 sec]
  • Wandering Plague – „When the diseases you inflicted upon an enemy target cause damage, there is a 5/10/15% chance the disease will instead damage all enemies within 8 yards. This damage will not cancel spells normally cancelled when targets take damage.“
  • Improved Corpse Explosion – „While Corpse Explosion is active, corpses have a 10/15/20/25/30% chance to explode for increased damage.“
  • Crypt Fever – „Diseases caused by you or your Ghouls also reduce an enemy’s attributes by 5/10/15% per disease.“
  • Ravenous Dead – „Increases the Strength of you and your ghouls by 1/2/3/4/5% and reduces the cooldown on Raise Dead by 30 sec.“
  • Pestilence – „When an enemy that grants experience or honor dies while suffering from one of your diseases, its corpse has a 10/20/30% chance of producing 1/1-3/3-5 Blood Worms. Blood Worms attack your enemies, healing you for the amount of damage they deal for 15 sec or until killed.“
  • Sudden Doom – „Your Blood Strikes have a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to make your next Death Coil consume no Runic Power if cast within 8 sec.“
  • Scent of Blood – „After being struck by a ranged or melee critical hit, you gain the Scent of Blood effect, causing your melee hits to steal life from the enemy for the next 6 sec.“
  • Improved Icebound Fortitude – „Increases the duration of your Icebound Fortitude. In addition your Icebound Fortitude will dispel any damage over time effects and replace them with heal over time effects.“

Bäm! Das ist doch mal ne Ansage, oder? Und davon hab ich noch viiiiel viel mehr! Zum Beispiel… wie wäre es mit… dem Krieger.

Talentbäume: http://war-tools.darlinganime.com/index.php?i=warrior

Warrior abilties:

  • Shield Break (Level 75, 15 rage, 1m cooldown) – Break down the enemy’s defenses, disarming any shield they have equipped or reducing the chance the enemy will block by 3% for 10 sec.
  • Bloodbath (Rank 1) – Wound up to $I enemy targets within 8 yards, causing 244 damage and causing them to Bleed for 3000 damage over 15 seconds. If the target becomes Enraged, the Bloodbath bleed effect causes four times the normal damage.

Warrior talents:

  • Titan’s Grip – „Allows you to equip two-handed axes, maces and swords in one hand, but you attack 28/26/24/22/20% slower then normal.“ (Fury)
  • Strength of Arms – „Increases your Strength and total health by 1/2/3/4/5%.“ (Arms)
  • Shockwave – „Sends a wave of force in front of the warrior, causing ${$m3/100*$AP} damage (based on attack power) and stunning all enemy targets within 10 yards in a frontal cone for 4 sec. This ability causes a high amount of threat.“ [20 rage, 45 sec cooldown] (Protection)
  • Sword and Board – „When your Devastate and Shield Slam abilities deal damage they have a 2/4/6/8/10% chance of refreshing the cooldown of your Shield Slam ability and reducing its cost by 100% for 5 sec.“ (Protection)
  • Safeguard – ,“Reduces damage taken by the target of your Intervene ability by 20/40/60% for 6 sec. In addition, your Charge, Intercept and Intervene abilities have a 33%/66%/100% chance to remove all movement impairing effects when used.“ (Protection)
  • Trauma – „Your normal melee critical strikes increase the effectiveness of Bleed effects on the target by 15/30% for 15 sec.“ (Arms)
  • Bladestorm – „Instantly Whirlwind all nearby targets and for the next 4.5 sec you will perform a whirlwind attack every 1.5 seconds. While under the effects of Bladestorm, you can move but cannot perform any other attacks or abilities but you do not feel pity or remorse or fear and you cannot be stopped unless killed.“ [25 rage, cooldown: 90 sec] (Arms)
  • Furious Resolve – „Reduces threat caused by attacks in Battle and Berserker Stance by 4/7/10% and increases your total Stamina by 1/3/5%.“ (Fury)
  • Bull Rush – „Increases the duration of the Stun effect of your Charge and Intercept abilities by .4/.7/1 seconds.“ (Arms)
  • Unrelenting Assault – „Reduces the cooldown of your Overpower and Revenge abilities by 1/2/3 seconds.“ (Arms)
  • Bloodsurge – „Your Bloodthirst critical hits have a 33/66/100% chance of reducing the swing time of your next Slam by 100% for 5 sec.“ (Fury)
  • Critical Block – „Your successful blocks have a 10/20/30% chance to block double the normal amount.“ (Protection)
  • Stalwart Protector – „You gain 1/2 rage every time you parry or dodge an attack.“ (Protection) [note: that’s a two point talent granting 1 or 2 rage, not half a point]

Bäääm! Ist das sexy? Besonders Trauma und Titan’s Grip klingen sehr vielversprechend, damit ziehen die Offkrieger dann an den Schamanen und Schurken vorbei – hoffe ich. Viel zu lesen ist’s in jedem Fall, weshalb ich das ganze jetzt auflockern möchte. Denn: Ich hab euch verarscht. Natürlich gibt’s Bilder. Es gibt immer Bilder, wenn auch nicht zu den Talenten. Take this!

Sieht doch schon ganz vielversprechend alphamäßig aus. Nun seid ihr wieder wach? Gut, dann kann es ja weitergehen. Mit. Dem. Magier. Nachher. Bin gerade verhindert, kann also leider nicht weiterschreibseln. Dafür veröffentliche ich diesen Teil auch nicht heute Nacht, da gibt’s dann Teil 3 des exklusiven Inhaltsreports.

Und was da kommt? Ich sag’s euch, wenn ihr lieb und brav zuhört: Der Magier, der Druide, der Priester und der Hexenmeister. Für die anderen Klassen gibt’s noch so gut wie nichts – oder eben überhaupt nichts, beispielsweise für den Schurken. Dafür gibt’s nen Haufen Neuigkeiten zu den Berufen, unter anderem Infos über eine Menge Verzauberungen und auch zu Bergbau. Und: Veränderungen der Talentbäume von BC zu WotLK.

Nicht umschalten, ich komme wieder. Heute Nacht gibt’s mehr!

Eine Antwort to “Wrath of the Lich King – Das kritische und exklusive Preview: Talente, Spells und Karte”

  1. Nermy Says:

    natuerlich gibt es zu _allen_ meinen chars KEINE info :p

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